

About Us

It was established in Sultanhanı in 2015 as a program of Conservation and Restoration of Traditional Textiles under the Department of Handicrafts. Our department gives education in the district of Sultanhanı. The purpose of the program; know the raw materials that make up the traditional textiles, know about the weaving techniques, recognize their deterioration, take measures against deterioration, know and apply the principles and techniques of protection and repair of traditional textile products, after this education ethnography museums attached to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, private sector museums , textile conservation-restoration laboratories and the traditional textile restoration, especially the carpet to run in private establishments to train staff. The graduates of the GTKR program; museums are planned to work as conservation and restoration technicians in order to meet the need for intermediate elements in restoration departments. At the same time, it is envisaged that the graduates of the program will contribute to the closure of the employee gap in the field. As a program, our primary objective is to train technicians who have the necessary technical equipment for conservation and restoration which owns our cultural heritage. In this context, current and emerging, practical information is presented in the field of conservation-restoration of our traditional textiles from our portable cultural assets, knowledge and skills related to vocational education and field competence, workshops and laboratory studies and course contents are gained. The aim of the program given at associate degree; to provide basic knowledge and skills to candidates who will work in museums, laboratories and workshops within the scope of conservation-restoration of traditional textiles. In order to develop the theoretical knowledge they gain; weaving workshop, natural painting workshop, museums, repair shops and computer laboratories located in the district.

Ön lisans programını tamamlayanlar, Geleneksel Tekstillerin Konservasyonu ve Restorasyonu Programından ön lisans derecesi ve teknikerlik sertifikası almaya hak kazanırlar. Mezunlar, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığına bağlı etnografya müzeleri, tekstil konservasyon-restorasyon laboratuarları ve başta halı ve düz dokumalar olmak üzere geleneksel tekstil restorasyonu yapan özel işyerlerinde tekniker olarak görev alabilirler.

Job areas • Conservation Technique of Traditional Textiles - Conservator • Restoration (repair) Technique of Traditional Textiles - Restorer • Pattern Technician - Desinator • A GTKR graduate; • He can work as a conservator and a restorer in ethnographic museums affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, museums in museums and textile conservation-restoration laboratories. • They can work as a designer in order to draw patterns in textile factories and carpet factories. • Can work as a restorer in restoration workshops to repair traditional and traditional textiles, especially carpets and plain textiles. • They can train in the areas of textile conservation, restoration and design in public education centers